2. Getting started¶
2.1. Installation¶
Sherpa is distributed as a tarred and gzipped file named
, and can be unpacked in the
current working directory with
$ tar -zxf sherpa-<VERSION>.tar.gz
Alternatively, it can also be accessed via Git through the location specified on the download page.
To guarantee successful installation, the following tools should be available on the system:
C++ compiler
make or ninja
- Recommended:
Fortran compiler
LHAPDF (including devel packages). If not available, use the -DSHERPA_ENABLE_INSTALL_LHAPDF=ON cmake option to install LHAPDF on-the-fly during the Sherpa installation (internet connection required).
libzip (including devel packages). If not available, use the -DSHERPA_ENABLE_INSTALL_LIBZIP=ON cmake option to install libzip on-the-fly during the Sherpa installation (internet connection required).
Compilation and installation proceed through the following commands if you use the distribution tarball:
$ cd sherpa-<VERSION>/
$ cmake -S . -B <builddir> [+ optional configuration options described below]
$ cmake --build <builddir> [other build options, e.g. -j 8]
$ cmake --install <builddir>
where <builddir> has to be replaced with the (temporary) directory in which intermediate files are stored during the build process. You can simply use the current working directory, i.e. cmake -S . -B . to compile in-source if you want to keep everything Sherpa-related in one directory.
Note that re-running cmake
with different configuration options is not the same as running it in a fresh working directory. Use ccmake .
instead to check/change the current configuration. To start afresh, e.g. to pick up a different version of a dependency, you can use the cmake --fresh [...]
option in recent versions of cmake, or just delete the cache (rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles
If not specified differently, the directory structure after installation is organized as follows
Sherpa executable and scripts
headers for process library compilation
basic libraries
PDFs, Decaydata, fallback run cards
The installation directory $(prefix)
can be specified by using the
directive and
defaults to the current working directory (.).
If Sherpa has to be moved to a different directory after the installation, one has to set the following environment variables for each run:
Sherpa can be interfaced with various external packages, e.g. HepMC for event output, LHAPDF for PDF sets, or Rivet for analysis. For this to work, the user has to add the corresponding options to the cmake configuration, e.g. for Rivet:
If your Rivet installation is not in a standard directory, you instead have to point cmake to the path where Rivet is installed:
$ cmake [...] -DRIVET_DIR=/my/rivet/install/dir
The provided path has to point to the top level installation
directory of the external package, i.e. the one containing the
, share/
, … subdirectories.
Other external packages are activated using equivalent configuration options,
or using -D<PackageName>_DIR=/my/package/install/dir
(or both, but enabling a package is already implied
if its directory is given).
Note that the package name in the SHERPA_ENABLE_<PACKAGENAME>
is always capitalised,
while the capitalisation can differ
in <PackageName>_DIR,
as defined by the third-party package.
For a complete list of possible configuration options
(and their correct capitalisation),
run cmake -LA
The Sherpa package has successfully been compiled, installed and tested on various Linux distributions (Arch Linux, SUSE Linux, RHEL, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu) and on macOS, using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), Clang and Intel OneAPI 2022.
If you have multiple compilers installed on your system, you can use shell environment variables to specify which of these are to be used. A list of the available variables is printed with
$ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=myc++compiler
in the Sherpa top level directory and looking at the last
lines. Depending on the shell you are using, you can set these
variables e.g. with export (bash) or setenv (csh). For example,
to use a specific versioned GCC installation, you could run
before calling cmake
export CXX=g++-13
export CC=gcc-13
export CPP=cpp-13
2.1.1. Installation on Cray XE6 / XK7¶
Sherpa has been installed successfully on Cray XE6 and Cray XK7. The following configure command should be used:
$ cmake -DSHERPA_ENABLE_MPI=ON <your options>
Sherpa can then be run with
$ aprun -n <nofcores> <prefix>/bin/Sherpa -lrun.log
The modularity of the code requires setting the environment variable
, cf. the Cray system documentation.
2.1.2. Installation on IBM BlueGene/Q¶
Sherpa has been installed successfully on an IBM BlueGene/Q system. The following cmake command should be used
$ cmake <your options> -DSHERPA_ENABLE_MPI=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=mpicc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpic++ -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90
Sherpa can then be run with
$ qsub -A <account> -n <nofcores> -t 60 --mode c16 <prefix>/bin/Sherpa -lrun.log
2.1.3. macOS Installation¶
The installation on macOS works analogously to an installation on a GNU/Linux system. You might need to ensure first that the Xcode Command Line Tools are installed. Other missing command line tools can be installed through a package manager like Homebrew or MacPorts.
2.2. Running Sherpa¶
The Sherpa
executable resides in the directory <prefix>/bin/
where <prefix>
denotes the path to the Sherpa installation
directory. The way a particular simulation will be accomplished is
defined by several parameters, which can all be listed in a common
file, or data card (Parameters can be alternatively specified on the
command line; more details are given in Input structure). This
steering file is called Sherpa.yaml
and some example setups
(i.e. Sherpa.yaml
files) are distributed with Sherpa.
They can be found in the directory <prefix>/share/SHERPA-MC/Examples/
and descriptions of some of their key features can be found
in the section Examples.
It is not in general possible to reuse steering files from previous Sherpa versions. Often there are small changes in the parameter syntax of the files from one version to the next. These changes are documented in our manuals. In addition, update any custom Decaydata directories you may have used (and reapply any changes which you might have applied to the old ones), see Hadron decays.
The very first step in running Sherpa is therefore to adjust all
parameters to the needs of the desired simulation. The details for
doing this properly are given in Parameters. In this section,
the focus is on the main issues for a successful operation of
Sherpa. This is illustrated by discussing and referring to the
parameter settings that come in the example steering file
cf. Z production. This is a simple configuration created to show
the basics of how to operate Sherpa. It should be stressed
that this steering file relies on many of Sherpa’s default settings,
and, as such, you should understand those settings before using it to
look at physics. For more information on the settings and parameters
in Sherpa, see Parameters, and for more examples see the
Examples section.
2.2.1. Process selection and initialization¶
Central to any Monte Carlo simulation is the choice of the hard
processes that initiate the events. These hard processes are described
by matrix elements. In Sherpa, the selection of processes happens in
part of the steering file. Only a few 2->2
reactions have been hard-coded. They are available in the EXTRA_XS
module. The more usual way to compute matrix elements is to employ
one of Sherpa’s automated tree-level generators, AMEGIC++ and Comix,
see Basic structure. If no matrix-element generator is
selected, using the ME_GENERATORS tag, then Sherpa will use
whichever generator is capable of calculating the process, checking
Comix first, then AMEGIC++ and then EXTRA_XS. Therefore, for some
processes, several of the options are used. In this example, however,
all processes will be calculated by Comix.
To begin with the example, the Sherpa run has to be started by
changing into the
and executing
$ <prefix>/bin/Sherpa
You may also run from an arbitrary directory, employing
<prefix>/bin/Sherpa --path=<prefix>/share/SHERPA-MC/Examples/V_plus_Jets/LHC_ZJets
In the example, an absolute path is passed to the optional argument
–path. It may also be specified relative to the current working
directory. If it is not specified at all, the current working
directory is understood.
For good book-keeping, it is highly recommended to reserve different subdirectories for different simulations as is demonstrated with the example setups.
If AMEGIC++ is used, Sherpa requires an initialization run, where C++ source code is written to disk. This code must be compiled into dynamic libraries by the user by running the makelibs script in the working directory. After this step Sherpa is run again for the actual cross section integrations and event generation. For more information on and examples of how to run Sherpa using AMEGIC++, see Running Sherpa with AMEGIC++.
If the internal hard-coded matrix elements or Comix are used, and AMEGIC++ is not, an initialization run is not needed, and Sherpa will calculate the cross sections and generate events during the first run already.
As the cross sections get integrated, the integration over phase space
is optimized to arrive at an efficient event generation. Subsequently
events are generated if a number of events is passed to the optional
argument --events
or set in the Sherpa.yaml
file with the
EVENTS parameters.
The generated events are not stored into a file by default; for details on how to store the events see Event output formats. Note that the computational effort to go through this procedure of generating, compiling and integrating the matrix elements of the hard processes depends on the complexity of the parton-level final states. For low multiplicities (2->2,3,4), of course, it can be followed instantly.
Usually more than one generation run is wanted. As long as the
parameters that affect the matrix-element integration are not changed,
it is advantageous to store the cross sections obtained during the
generation run for later use. This saves CPU time especially for large
final-state multiplicities of the matrix elements. Per default, Sherpa
stores these integration results in a directory called Results/
The name of the output directory can be customised via
Results directory
<prefix>/bin/Sherpa -r <result>/
or with RESULT_DIRECTORY: <result>/
in the steering file, see
RESULT_DIRECTORY. The storage of the integration results can be
prevented by either using
<prefix>/bin/Sherpa -g
or by specifying GENERATE_RESULT_DIRECTORY: false
in the steering
If physics parameters change, the cross sections have to be
recomputed. The new results should either be stored in a new
directory or the <result>
directory may be re-used once it has
been emptied. Parameters which require a recomputation are any
parameters affecting the Models, Matrix elements or
Selectors. Standard examples are changing the magnitude of
couplings, renormalisation or factorisation scales, changing the PDF
or centre-of-mass energy, or, applying different cuts at the parton
level. If unsure whether a recomputation is required, a simple test is
to temporarily use a different value for the RESULT_DIRECTORY
option and check whether the new integration numbers (statistically)
comply with the stored ones.
A warning on the validity of the process libraries is in order here:
it is absolutely mandatory to generate new library files, whenever the
physics model is altered, i.e. particles are added or removed and
hence new or existing diagrams may or may not anymore contribute to
the same final states. Also, when particle masses are switched on or
off, new library files must be generated (however, masses may be
changed between non-zero values keeping the same process
libraries). The best recipe is to create a new and separate setup
directory in such cases. Otherwise the Process
and Results
directories have to be erased:
$ rm -rf Process/ Results/
In either case one has to start over with the whole initialization procedure to prepare for the generation of events.
2.2.2. The example set-up: Z+Jets at the LHC¶
The setup file (Sherpa.yaml
) provided in
can be considered as a standard
example to illustrate the generation of fully hadronised events in
Sherpa, cf. Z production. Such events will include effects from
parton showering, hadronisation into primary hadrons and their
subsequent decays into stable hadrons. Moreover, the example chosen
here nicely demonstrates how Sherpa is used in the context of merging
matrix elements and parton showers [HKSS09]. In addition
to the aforementioned corrections, this simulation of inclusive
Drell-Yan production (electron-positron channel) will then include
higher-order jet corrections at the tree level. As a result the
transverse-momentum distribution of the Drell-Yan pair and the
individual jet multiplicities as measured by the ATLAS and CMS
collaborations at the LHC can be well described.
Before event generation, the initialization procedure as described in Process selection and initialization has to be completed. The matrix-element processes included in the setup are the following:
proton proton -> parton parton -> electron positron + up to five partons
list of the steering file this translates into
- 93 93 -> 11 -11 93{5}:
Order: {QCD: 0, EW: 2}
CKKW: 20
Fixing the order of electroweak
couplings to 2
, matrix elements of all partonic subprocesses
for Drell-Yan production without any and with up to five extra QCD
parton emissions will be generated. Proton–proton collisions are
considered at beam energies of 6.5 TeV.
Model parameters and couplings can all be defined in
the Sherpa.yaml
file as you will see in the rest of this manual.
The QCD radiation matrix elements have to be regularised to obtain
meaningful cross sections. This is achieved by specifying CKKW: 20
when defining the process in Sherpa.yaml
. Simultaneously, this
tag initiates the ME-PS merging procedure. To eventually obtain fully
hadronised events, the FRAGMENTATION
setting has been left on it’s
default value Ahadic
(and therefore been omitted from the
steering file), which will run Sherpa’s cluster hadronisation, and the
setting has it’s default value Hadrons
, which
will run Sherpa’s hadron decays. Additionally corrections owing to
photon emissions are taken into account.
For a first example run with this setup, we suggest to simplify the run card significantly and only later, for physics studies, going back to the full-featured run card. So replace the full process listing with a short and simple
- 93 93 -> 11 -11 93{1}:
Order: {QCD: 0, EW: 2}
CKKW: 20
for now.
since these can no longer be calculated after modifying PROCESSES
You might also need to remove (or install) PDFs that are not available
on your system from the PDF_VARIATIONS
Then you can go ahead and start Sherpa for the first time by running the
$ <prefix>/bin/Sherpa
command as described in Running Sherpa. Sherpa displays some output as it runs. At the start of the run, Sherpa initializes the relevant model, and displays a table of particles, with their PDG codes and some properties. It also displays the Particle containers, and their contents. The other relevant parts of Sherpa are initialized, including the matrix element generator(s). The Sherpa output will look like:
Welcome to Sherpa, <user name> on <host name>.
Initialization of framework underway ...
Seed: 1234
Initializing beam spectra ...
Type: Collider Setup
Beam 1: P+ (enabled = 0, momentum = (6500,0,0,6500))
Beam 2: P+ (enabled = 0, momentum = (6500,0,0,-6500))
Initializing PDFs ...
Hard scattering: PDF4LHC21_40_pdfas + PDF4LHC21_40_pdfas
MPI: PDF4LHC21_40_pdfas + PDF4LHC21_40_pdfas
Fixed electroweak parameters
Input scheme: alpha(mZ)-mZ-sin(theta_W) scheme, input: 1/\alphaQED(m_Z), sin^2(theta_W), m_Z, m_h, widths
Ren. scheme: alphamZsW
Parameters: sin^2(\theta_W) = 0.23113
vev = 246.16 - 3.36725 i
Set \alpha according to EW scheme
1/\alpha(0) = 128.802
1/\alpha(def) = 128.802
Particle data:
Initializing showers ...
Initializing matrix elements for the hard processes ...
Building processes (3 ME generators, 1 process blocks) ...
Setting up processes ........ done (59 MB, 0s/0s)
Performing tests ........ done (60 MB, 0s/0s)
Initializing hadron particle information ...
Initialized fragmentation
Initialized hadron decays (model = HADRONS++)
Initialized soft photons
Then Sherpa will start to integrate the cross sections. The output will look like:
Calculating xs for '2_2__j__j__e-__e+' (Comix) ...
Integration parameters: n_{min} = 5000, N_{opt} = 10, N_{max} = 1, exponent = 0.5
Starting the calculation at 09:43:52. Lean back and enjoy ... .
1630.48 pb +- ( 54.9451 pb = 3.36988 % ) 5000 ( 5029 -> 99.4 % )
full optimization: ( 0s elapsed / 5s left ) [09:43:52]
1692.37 pb +- ( 46.7001 pb = 2.75945 % ) 12071 ( 12133 -> 99.5 % )
full optimization: ( 0s elapsed / 5s left ) [09:43:52]
The first line here displays the process which is being calculated. In this example, the integration is for the \(2 \to 2\) process, parton, parton \(\to\) electron, positron. The matrix element generator used is displayed after the process. As the integration progresses, summary lines are displayed, like the ones shown above. The current estimate of the cross section is displayed, along with its statistical error estimate. The number of phase space points calculated is displayed after this, and the efficiency is displayed after that. On the line below, the time elapsed is shown, and an estimate of the total time till the optimisation is complete. In square brackets is an output of the system clock.
When the integration is complete, the output will look like:
1677.75 pb +- ( 1.74538 pb = 0.104031 % ) 374118 ( 374198 -> 100 % )
full optimization: ( 4s elapsed / 1s left ) [09:43:56]
1677.01 pb +- ( 1.36991 pb = 0.0816873 % ) 534076 ( 534157 -> 99.9 % )
integration time: ( 5s elapsed / 0s left ) [09:43:58]
2_2__j__j__e-__e+ : 1677.01 pb +- ( 1.36991 pb = 0.0816873 % ) exp. eff: 20.6675 %
reduce max for 2_2__j__j__e-__e+ to 1 ( eps = 0.001 -> exp. eff 0.206675 )
with the final cross section result and its statistical error displayed.
Sherpa will then move on to integrate the other processes specified in the run card.
When the integration is complete, the event generation will start. As the events are being generated, Sherpa will display a summary line stating how many events have been generated, and an estimate of how long it will take. When the event generation is complete, Sherpa’s output looks like:
Event 100 ( 1 s total ) = 1.12208e+07 evts/day
Summarizing the run may take some time ...
| Nominal or variation name XS [pb] RelDev AbsErr [pb] RelErr |
| Nominal 1739.79 0 % 171.304 9.84 % |
| ME & PS: MUR=0.5 MUF=0.5 1635.61 -5.98 % 187.894 11.48 % |
| ME & PS: MUR=2 MUF=2 2261.57 29.99 % 387.031 17.11 % |
| [<results for other variations>] |
A summary of the number of events generated is displayed, with the total cross section for the process and possible systematic variations [BSS16] and Input structure.
The generated events are not stored into a file by default; for details on how to store the events see Event output formats.
2.2.3. Parton-level event generation with Sherpa¶
Sherpa has its own tree-level matrix-element generators called
AMEGIC++ and Comix. Furthermore, with the module PHASIC++,
sophisticated and robust tools for phase-space integration are
provided. Therefore Sherpa obviously can be used as a cross-section
integrator. Because of the way Monte Carlo integration is
accomplished, this immediately allows for parton-level event
generation. Taking the LHC_ZJets
setup, users have to modify just
a few settings in Sherpa.yaml
and would arrive at a parton-level
generation for the process gluon down-quark to electron positron and
down-quark, to name an example. When, for instance, the options
” and “OUTPUT: 2
” are added to the steering file, a
pure cross-section integration for that process would be obtained with
the results plus integration errors written to the screen.
For the example, the process definition in PROCESSES
simplifies to
- 21 1 -> 11 -11 1:
Order: {QCD: 1, EW: 2}
with all other settings in the process block removed. And under the
assumption to start afresh, the initialization procedure has to be
followed as before. Picking the same collider environment as in the
previous example there are only two more changes before the
file is ready for the calculation of the hadronic
cross section of the process g d to e- e+ d at LHC and subsequent
parton-level event generation with Sherpa. These changes read
, to switch off parton showering,
, to do so for the hadronisation effects,
, to switch off multiparton interactions, and
ME_QED: {ENABLED: false}
, to switch off resummed QED corrections
onto the \(Z \rightarrow e^- e^+\) decay. Additionally, the
non-perturbative intrinsic transverse momentum may be wished to not be
taken into account, therefore set BEAM_REMNANTS: false
2.2.4. Multijet merged event generation with Sherpa¶
For a large fraction of LHC final states, the application of reconstruction algorithms leads to the identification of several hard jets. Calculations therefore need to describe as accurately as possible both the hard jet production as well as the subsequent evolution and the interplay of multiple such topologies. Several scales determine the evolution of the event.
Various such merging schemes have been proposed: [CKKW01], [Lon02], [MMP02], [Kra02], [MMPT07], [LL08], [HKSS09], [HRT09], [HN10], [HKSS11], [LP12], [HKSS13], [GHK+13], [LPb], [LPa]. Comparisons of the older approaches can be found e.g. in [H+], [A+08]. The currently most advanced treatment at tree-level, detailed in [HKSS09], [HSS10], [CGH10], is implemented in Sherpa.
How to setup a multijet merged calculation is detailed in most Examples, e.g. W+jets production, Z production or Top quark (pair) + jets production.
2.2.5. Running Sherpa with AMEGIC++¶
When Sherpa is run using the matrix element generator AMEGIC++, it is
necessary to run it twice. During the first run (the initialization
run) Feynman diagrams for the hard processes are constructed and
translated into helicity amplitudes. Furthermore suitable phase-space
mappings are produced. The amplitudes and corresponding integration
channels are written to disk as C++ source code, placed in a
subdirectory called Process
. The initialization run is started
using the standard Sherpa executable, as described in Running Sherpa. The relevant command is
$ <prefix>/bin/Sherpa
The initialization run stops with the message “New libraries
created. Please compile.”, which is nothing but the request to carry
out the compilation and linking procedure for the generated
matrix-element libraries. The makelibs
script, provided for this
purpose and created in the working directory, must be invoked by the
user (see ./makelibs -h
for help):
$ ./makelibs
Note that the cmake
tool has to be available for this step
Another option is ./makelibs -m, which creates one library per
subprocess. This can be useful for very complex processes, in
particular if the default combined library generation fails due to a
limit on the number of command line arguments. Note that this option
requires that Sherpa is run with AMEGIC_LIBRARY_MODE: 0
Afterwards Sherpa can be restarted using the same command as before. In this run (the generation run) the cross sections of the hard processes are evaluated. Simultaneously the integration over phase space is optimized to arrive at an efficient event generation.
2.3. Cross section determination¶
To determine the total cross section, in particular in the context of multijet merging with Sherpa, the final output of the event generation run should be used, e.g.
| Nominal or variation name XS [pb] RelDev AbsErr [pb] RelErr |
| Nominal 1739.79 0 % 171.304 9.84 % |
| ME & PS: MUR=0.5 MUF=0.5 1635.61 -5.98 % 187.894 11.48 % |
| ME & PS: MUR=2 MUF=2 2261.57 29.99 % 387.031 17.11 % |
| [<results for other variations>] |
Note that the Monte Carlo error quoted for the total cross section is determined during event generation. It, therefore, might differ substantially from the errors quoted during the integration step, and it can be reduced simply by generating more events.
In contrast to plain fixed order results, Sherpa’s total cross section in multijet merging setups (MEPS, MENLOPS, MEPS@NLO) is composed of values from various fixed order processes, namely those which are combined by applying the multijet merging, see Multijet merged event generation with Sherpa. In this context, it is important to note:
The higher multiplicity tree-level cross sections determined during the integration step are meaningless by themselves, only the inclusive cross section printed at the end of the event generation run is to be used.
Sherpa total cross sections have leading order accuracy when the generator is run in LO merging mode (MEPS), in NLO merging (MENLOPS, MEPS@NLO) mode they have NLO accuracy.
2.3.1. Differential cross sections from single events¶
To calculate the expectation value of an observable defined through a series of cuts and requirements each event produced by Sherpa has to be evaluated whether it meets the required criteria. The expectation value is then given by
Therein the \(w_i(\Phi_i)\) are the weight of the event with the phase space configuration \(\Phi_i\) and \(O(\Phi_i)\) is the value of the observable at this point. \(N_\text{trial} = \sum_i^n n_{\text{trial,i}}\) is the sum of number of trials \(n_\text{trial,i}\) of all events. A good cross check is to reproduce the inclusive cross section as quoted by Sherpa (see above).
In case of unweighted events one might want to rescale the uniform
event weight to unity using w_norm
. The above equation then reads
wherein \(\frac{w_i(\Phi_i)}{w_\text{norm}} = 1\), i.e. the sum simply
counts how many events pass the selection criteria of the
observable. If however, PartiallyUnweighted
event weights or
or Enhance_Observable
are used, this is no
longer the case and the full form needs to be used.
All required quantities, \(w_i\), \(w_\text{norm}\) and \(n_{\text{trial},i}\), accompany each event and are written e.g. into the HepMC output (cf. Event output formats).