.. _Models: ****** Models ****** .. index:: MODEL The main switch ``MODEL`` sets the model that Sherpa uses throughout the simulation run. The default is :option:`SM`, the built-in Standard Model implementation of Sherpa. For BSM simulations, Sherpa offers an option to use the Universal FeynRules Output Format (UFO) :cite:`Degrande2011ua`, :cite:`Darme:2023jdn`. Please note: AMEGIC can only be used for the built-in models (SM and HEFT). For anything else, please use Comix. For more details on the Sherpa capabilities to simulate BSM physics see :cite:`Hoeche2014kca`. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Built-in Models =============== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. include:: ./models/standard-model.rst .. include:: ./models/effective-higgs-coupling.rst .. _UFO Model Interface: UFO Model Interface =================== .. index:: UFO_PARAM_CARD .. include:: ./models/ufo-interface.rst